Thursday, November 7, 2013

If I.........................


This is only a simple update honestly. Only a list of some... things.


I Would be Happy If I........

  • Have unlimited amount of cash. Cha-ching!
  • Can have like, an eraser of memory, to erase some... things I prefer not to talk about.
  • Have teleportation as my super power. Telekinesis might work too.... but naaahh, teleportation is more awesome.
  • Can turn back time for once.
  • Can eat everything without getting fat.
  • Am thinner.
  • Can actually do sports.
  • Can travel to places that I want to with my family. Then re-visit them with whole bunch of my closest friends.
  • Have an extremely long holidays without homework.
  • Can rant about pretty much every single rant-able things with my friends.
  • Can meet some of my old friends again.
  • Can find a wide, open, quite place, and scream at the top of my lungs, just for the sake of it.
  • Can play in the rain without getting sick.
  • Everyone around me is happy and is in good health :)
  • Am a genius without having to study at all.
  • Am assured that me, and my family, and my friends, and my teachers, and basically everyone I know exist, have a secured place in heaven :)
  • Can make a day longer than 24 hours.
  • Have a genie with unlimited wish? I don't know
  • Et cetera. Because I'm running out of ideas


If I Have A Billion Rupiah, I will.........

  • Go with my family to do Hajj :D
  • Give some to people in need.
  • Save some, for future needs.
  • Buy a house with big bedrooms and wooden tiles. I like wooden tiles.
  • Buy some newest gadgets.
  • Probably ended up buying a lot of clothes.
  • Go to Paris, or England, or Germany, or US, or New Zealand, or Australia, or Hongkong, or Korea, or Japan... if there are no those nuclear thingy, 
  • Buy a lot of books.
  • Buy a lot of games that need cash in appworld or google play or something, lol.
  • Buy gaming consoles that I missed. Like 3DS, or Wii, or WiiU, or PS3, or Xbox. And probably a PS4 too, and buy a whole bunch of games with them. Don't judge. A girl can play Playstation too, thank you.
  • Buy a nice car.
  • Buy another violin. My current one is sadly full of scars :(
  • Buy a new television, the one in my room sucks pretty badly.
  • Shop till I drop?
  • I will..... stop. Because I am sure I exceed one billion rupiah for the things in the list above.

This marks the end of this post!

Why, don't I look like an ultimate materialistic girl here? I'm not this chronic in real life though. These are just my "If"s aren't they?

Anyway. thank you for reading!



Dissolving "Bobotoh" Persib?

Ahoy, Mates!

We meet again, apparently. How are you? In all honesty, I don't feel as grand at the moment, but here's hoping you are doing better than me!

This is an analytical post. Which obviously means I am going to analyze something. So, the topic I am going to analyze is "Dissolving 'Bobotoh' Persib". Like, is it necessary, or not?

Enough rambling, and let's start analyzing.


Dissolving "Bobotoh" Persib.

First thing first, what exactly is "Bobotoh"?


Well, Bobotoh is a fanclub who dedicated themselves to support Persib. And if you're a foreigner and wondering what is Persib, it's an abbreviation for Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia Bandung. Or in other word, a soccer team from Bandung, Indonesia.

Even if Persib originated from Bandung, there are a lot of Bobotoh members who reside outside of Bandung. Such as in Bekasi, Cirebon, even from Singapore! That's quite a shock.

So, what's so bad about Bobotoh that I need to analyze about dissolving them?

For one, they are loyal. 

Are loyalties bad? No, they're not. Being over-loyal-nearing-the-level-of-fanaticism, however, is a whole different story.

They love Persib, and they make sure that every single Indonesian people knows it. They ensured that the stadium is packed whenever Persib has a match, even if the match is outside of Bandung. They wear uniforms, they cheers, they watch until the end, basically what every fans do.... Except they turn into these crazy criminals when Persib lost.

Vandalism. Vandalism everywhere. They go from harmless shouting to the opponent's fans, to throwing rocks on every car that have the plate number from their opponent's area. And that, is apparently too much for people's liking. (Like seriously, the talks about dissolving them are everywhere in the internet)


Advantages of Dissolving Bobotoh

Like I said, before. They are not harmless. They are in fact, inflict pain on people, which means they are harmful. And that's really dangerous.
They have this kind of an arch nemesis, which is The Jak. The supporter of Persija, a soccer team from Jakarta (which is almost as "loyal" as Persib, mind you). And every time, every single time, Persib has a match with Persija, it... doesn't end up good. Vandalism happens, no matter which team won. They can't accept the lost of their favorite team.
The rivalry now grow to hatred. They don't just fight when there's a match, they just simply hate each other. This is certainly not a healthy rivalry.

Bobotoh can be too much sometimes. They flood the road before and after the match, which results in traffic jam. Well, worse traffic jam than the usual jam, they make a riot, and most importantly, they scare people.

It is a bad thing when sport, which is supposed to be enjoyed, makes people anxious and scared instead. So maybe, dissolving the Bobotoh will bring more peace to the neighborhood and basically everyone...

Or not.

Disadvantages of Dissolving Bobotoh

Whether they behave or not, whether you like it or not, Bobotoh are fans. They love Persib, and they are certainly loyal to them. And so, let's talk from Persib's point of view here. They need fans. They need supports, they need people who will stick to them and love them even if they lost, they need someone cheering for them, they need that moral strength. And that is what Bobotoh gives. Cheers, supports and loyalty.

About them getting mad upon the lost of Persib. They are too much, yes. But wouldn't you be at least disappointed when something you're fond of, lost, or being humiliated?
I am NOT justifying their actions. Vandalism is a crime. But being a fan of something myself, I can relate to their anger. They just need to vent their anger in something less dangerous.

Beside, can anyone assure that dissolving them will make everything peaceful? NOPE. Do you really think that they will stay calm and composed when they are told to leave their beloved club? I don't think so. Imagine it as if you told Beliebers to never like Justin Bieber again and that Justin Bieber is ugly. BAM. Rabid fangirl attacks. I'm 87.75% sure that this will apply when you are trying to dissolve Bobotoh. Imagine the rage. They will probably ended up doing more damage then before they are dissolved. Scary much.


In my point of view, Bobotoh is dangerous. They harm people, they destroyed public properties, and all in all, they are scary and makes people restless around them. But members of Bobotoh are fans, an extremely fanatic one, but still, a fan.

So, if you ask me, then yes. We definitely need to do something about Bobotoh. But is dissolving them really the right thing to do? I'm not sure. But simply "disciplining" them is proven to be not enough. So what is the right thing to do? Honestly, I am not sure myself. I can only give my opinion, and that is, dissolving Bobotoh Persib is neither right or wrong.


This marks the end of this post!

Thank you, and I really am sorry if anyone is offended by this post. You are free to agree or disagree with everything I just wrote.

Oh, and I actually feel a bit grander (I'm not sure that's even a word) after I wrote this lengthy post! Less than three you guys, less than three <3


- Dian