Sunday, May 11, 2014


From Inspirational Story:
1.       What does George Bwelle do for people in Cameroon?
a.       He gives free medical treatments
b.      He gives them donations
c.       He gives free foods
d.      He helps them with their work
e.      He gives them free ride to the hospital

2.       When did Bwelle’s father passed away?
a.       2000
b.      2002
c.       2004
d.      2008
e.      2010

3.       What’s the name of Bwelle’s non-profit organization?
a.       ESCOVIE
b.      AVOSCIE
c.       VASCONE
d.      ASCOVIME
e.      MOVASOS

4.       How do the village’s people treat Bwelle and his team?
a.       They give him offerings
b.      They sing, dance, have a feast, and offer the best accomodation
c.       They give him their money
d.      They dislike him and give him a hard time
e.      They always try make him leave

5.       How many people are received by Bwelle each trip?
a.       1000 people
b.      400 people
c.       200 people
d.      350 people
e.      500 people

From Movie Review:
1.       When was the movie released?
a.       2013
b.      2002
c.       2008
d.      2012
e.      2010

2.       Who is NOT a character in the movie?
a.       Cosette
b.      Fantine
c.       Eleanor
d.      Marius
e.      Jean Valjean

3.       What was the film based upon?
a.       A musical and a novel
b.      A musical and a short story
c.       A folktale
d.      A musical
e.      A legend

4.       How long was Jean Valjean imprisoned?
a.       5 years
b.      10 years
c.       13 years
d.      18 years
e.      19 years

5.       Who is Tom Hooper?
a.       The scriptwriter
b.      The film’s director
c.       One of the cast
d.      The main actor
e.      The one who wrote the musical