Wednesday, January 22, 2014

To Infinitive and Gerund


1. She has to drink a cup of coffee every morning.
3. She loves to make her coffee black, black and scorching hot.
4. She knows that it's becoming a kind of addiction, but she finds it hard to stop.
5. After all, it's one of her many attempts to ease her stress.
6. The thing is, it's forbidden to bring any kind of foods or drinks to class.
7. Even so, she always manage to sneak some coffee at break time.
8. One day, she forgot to buy coffee powders.
9. She panicked and started to search her kitchen for that tiny last bit of coffee powder.
10. She failed to find any, and decided to go to the supermarket.


1. It was a cold day and she was wearing her old thin coat.
2. She could literally felt her finger freeze when the wind was blowing.
3. She regretted not buying some coffee powders the day before, when it was warmer.
4. Thankfully, she arrived at the supermarket right before it started snowing.
5. She was looking through the aisles when she knocked over a stack of canned fruits.
6. Everybody was turning their heads at her.
7. She didn't mind cleaning the mess, but it was the embarrassment.
8. She stopped picking up the cans when a worker told her that it was fine, she could leave.
9. She leaved with a hurry, she concentrated on walking as fast as she could without looking back.
10. Maybe she could survive without drinking a coffee that day.


I tried to make a story out of these sentences and I am fully aware that I failed horribly. Forgive me.


- Dian

Natural Phenomena: Watermelon Snow


In this post, I will share about a natural phenomena that catches my interest. I was actually leaning toward Aurora Borealis or Meteor Shower, but I figure that it's too... common? I don't know. 

Anyway, okay, Watermelon Snow. What in the world is that.

Well, it's a snow that looks like this:

Or this:

Or this:

As you can see, Watermelon snow are snow that looks either pink-ish, or white with a strike of blood-like red substances. Hence, other names like pink snow or blood snow. If you're wondering about where did "Watermelon" snow comes from, there's a rumor that the snow actually smells like watermelon. Oh, and there are a lot of pictures that the snow really, really looks like it was from a horror movies because the reds looks so much like blood that it's creepy. I decided not to put it in my blog. Feel free to search for it if you want though.

Anyway, how does this natural phenomenon happens?

Watermelon Snow is actually a nickname for a snow algae called Chlamydomonas nivalis, a species of green algae that contains secondary red pigments in addition to chlorophyll, It's cold-loving and thrives in freezing water.
What the Algae looks like

Watermelon Snow is not exactly rare. It is pretty common during the summer in alpine and coastal polar regions worldwide, such as the Sierra Nevada of California. Here, at altitudes of 10,000 to 12,000 feet (3,000–3,600 m), the temperature is cold throughout the year, and so the snow has lingered from winter storms. Compressing the snow by stepping on it or making snowballs leaves it looking red.

Lastly, if the phenomenon is called "Watermelon" Snow, and it even has that faint smell of watermelon, then is it edible?

Well, it's not exactly appetizing for me, since I've seen enough blood-like watermelon snow to even wonder how does it taste like. But in case you're wondering, scientists had said that most algae are considered as edible. However, it is possible that snow algae might be contaminated by bacteria and toxic algae that are harmful to humans. Eating large quantities of watermelon snow has been known to cause digestive ailments, although the tolerance level of each person’s digestive system might be different. So, I wouldn't exactly recommend it to be your evening snack.

Anyway, this natural phenomenon has a beauty of itself. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what's the bad point of this phenomena though, other than potential diarrhea if you eat it to fulfill your daily ice cream dosage.

I really hope I could see it one day!

This is not even a Watermelon Snow. And I don't care whether it's photoshopped or not. It's cute.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Holiday Vacation Report?


I decide that’s the new hello for my blog. I could’ve told you why, but I already typed that out in my now-vanished-post and I have zero intention to write it all over again. If you haven’t catch up yet, yes, I’m still mad.

So, this is my holiday vacation report, with no actual vacation to report.

Because I did have a holiday, but I can’t exactly say I had a vacation. Unless you called “staying in bed until noon and read online novels on my phone and/or watching movies on my laptop with occasional trip to the fridge because I’m hungry or bored and to the bathroom so I don’t smell like a beggar” a vacation. Then yes, I did have a vacation.

Wow, I just wrote the whole post right there. Splendid.

Thing is, this report thing is a task, which added to my english score, and I don’t do well on tests, which means I need to step up my tasks. So I can’t exactly do my report in one amazingly long sentence. Not so splendid.

Well, if I need to go into details...

Holiday officially started on Monday, 23rd December 2013, if I recalled correctly. I was estatic. I had passed all the remedials and my report card was not all that bad. So I rewarded myself with the things I couldn’t do when I had school. Being an extreme couch-potato. Or rather, a bed-potato.

I’d admit that was lame.

Anyway, I wasn’t kidding when I told you that the “amazingly long sentence” was the whole story. Because it was, and it is. I did exactly that for like, 4 days, before my mom reminded that I apparently had a life. Surprise.

My grandmother’s birthday was on the 26th of December, which falls on Thursday. So my mom asked me if I wanted to go to Jakarta to visit her, and I said yes, because I was afraid I’d grow a root on my bed, but I said that I have a livestream show I want to watch on Thursday evening and I can’t watch in Jakarta because my grandparent’s house don’t have  any kind of internet related things – as lame as that sounds – and my mom said Okay, since my grandmother didn’t have a party or anything, we could go on Friday, besides, my father was still busy in his office and the driver was only available on Friday anyway. I’m not that bad of a granddaughter.

So we left on Friday instead. We arrived at Jakarta at like, 6 or 7 pm. I greeted my grandmother, gave my birthday greetings, greeted my grandfather, and my other grandmother who had paid my grandmother a visit. We talked until almost midnight.

The next day, we went to Senayan City. Though, I don’t know why. My grandparents had always preferred PIM over basically any kind of mall. No complaints though. We had lunch, and my parents were being extra nice for whatever reasons and let me buy a whole bunch of clothes and jeans. Oh, and I bought these puddings which tasted extra nice. But I left it in my grandmother's fridge. Not amused.

Well, on Sunday we head back to Bandung, because my father had to work on Monday, with my other grandmother (the one who didn’t have a birthday). She spent the rest of the holiday in my house. In Bandung, I resumed my bed-potato habits. Only that I stepped out of my room more often to accompany my Grandma. She cooked me her best meals, meatball soup and puddings (to amend my broken heart for I had left my precious puddings in Jakarta. Cries.). We also went to TSM, we didn't do much, though. She and my mother also went to  some furniture shops or something, I didn’t go.

And soooo yeah, that’s basically it.

Funny notes, I had always stayed up very late during the whole holiday. I literally could only sleep after 2 am, my mother had even gave up on scolding me. But for unknown reason, on New Year’s Eve, I fell asleep at freaking 9.30 pm. Like, are you kidding me. Even my Grandma was still up at that time. Maybe it’s the fact that I stayed at home during New Year’s Eve, only accompanied by televisions and occasional fireworks from the houses behind my home. Pathetic, pathetic, I know. You don't have to re-point it.

So that’s it! I don’t post any picture, because really, I don’t have any. Firstly, I’m way far from being photogenic and secondly, I couldn’t see the art of taking a pic with my laptop. My grandmother and my mom took a few though, maybe I’d update this post with those pics sometimes later.

Until then, Bye!!


Blog, you disappointed me.

I’m mad. Like, seriously mad, you have no idea.

Okay, so basically, I was writing this whole vacation holiday report thingy, right in the blog. Online. I was writing with glee and I had actually enjoyed writing and I had like these long sentences, and suddenly I pressed backspace, and guess what.

POOF. BOOM. SWISH. However you call it.

My post went out the drain, vanished like smoke, and the site was once again blank. LIKE SERIOUSLY, WHAT. CAN’T I BACKSPACE MY WRITING IN PEACE?

So I’m making a new post. In Microsoft Word, because I don’t trust the site anymore. Seriously people, remind me to never, ever, write right in the blog. 

"If" Forms

1. I'll be happy if I can have a long holiday.
    I would be happy if I could have a long holiday.
    I would've been happy if I could have had a long holiday.

2. She'll be happy if you visit her house.
    She would be happy if you visited her house.
    She would have been happy if you had visited her house.

3. She will call you if you apologize to her.
    She would call you if you apologized to her.
    She would have called you if you had apologized to her.

4. He will study harder if you cheer for him.
    He would study harder if you cheered for him.
    He would have studied harder if you had cheered for him.

5. I will leave if you keep doing that.
    I would leave if you kept doing that.
    I would have left if you had kept doing that.

6. You will be fine if you forgive her.
    You would be fine if you forgave her.
    You would have been fine if you had forgiven her.

7. I will let you know if you promise not to tell anyone.
    I would let you know if you promised not to tell anyone.
    I would have let you know if you had promised not to tell anyone.

8. She will help you if you give her money.
    She would help you if you gave her money.
    She would have helped you if you had given her money.

9. He will pay his rent if you remind him.
    He would pay his rent if you reminded him.
    He would have paid his rent if you had reminded him.

10. I will go to your party if I have time.
      I would go to your party if I had time.
      I would have gone to your party if I had had time.