Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My... S.W.A.D?

Ahoy, mates!

How are you doing? Me? Oh, I'm grand, like a rollercoaster that only goes up. (John Green reference, anyone?)

Anyway, nice to meet you! My name is Dian Rizki Adiningtyas, you can call me Dian. I'm a highschool student, currently in my 2nd year at the lovely SMAN 3 Bandung.

Okay, so in this post, I am supposed to talk about my... S.W.A.D. Or I guess that's what my teacher call it. In my understanding, S.W.A.D means Strengths, Weaknesses, and Dreams, I hope I'm right.

Enough with the chit-chat and let's start with my strenghts.

Hm. This is tough.

First off, I'm tall. That's a plus, right? Right. My grades are pretty good, last time I placed 5th in my class, and I think it's quite amazing considering how smart the people in my school are. I have confidence in language-involving-subjects (english, indonesian), biology, and a little bit in chemistry, since I'm apparently better at memorizing rather than counting.
I know how to play violin, and a little bit, just a little bit of guitar. I also have a thing for writing like, stories and stuffs. Don't have a notable achievement in that matter though. Some people also said that I can be a good problem-listener. I'd believe them.

Now for my never ending list of weaknesses.

I am extremely lazy, sometimes I act more like a boy than a girl, I'm not an organized type of person, my room is a huge mess, I'm afraid of bugs, my voice is too low for a girl, I need to cut some weight, some people said that my stare is scary, I can't seem to get the hang of physics, I HATE any sports other than swimming and badminton, I have a stamina of an 80yrs old lady, I rant WAAAAYYY too much, and the list would still go on...

Still, I'm happy and thankful for what I am now. After all, like I said, I'm grand.

And now the big finale. My dreams.

My dreams are simple, yet so abstract.

My dream is to make my life worth living. To not regret my decisions, to treat everyday as a gift, to make people around me happy, to make my family proud, to not be a burden for anyone, to enjoy every breath I take, to mean something.

So that later, I can look back, reflect on my life, and smile. 

Then finally, I can go to heaven peacefully.


This marks the end of this post.

UGH, it looks so cheesy now that I've actually read it. I better stop and post this ASAP before I change my mind and rewrite everything. BYE!!

- Dian

1 comment:

  1. Great Dian.. your writing is so awesome.. I love reading it.. Keep writing ,, wish you can be a great writer some day...
