Thursday, November 7, 2013

If I.........................


This is only a simple update honestly. Only a list of some... things.


I Would be Happy If I........

  • Have unlimited amount of cash. Cha-ching!
  • Can have like, an eraser of memory, to erase some... things I prefer not to talk about.
  • Have teleportation as my super power. Telekinesis might work too.... but naaahh, teleportation is more awesome.
  • Can turn back time for once.
  • Can eat everything without getting fat.
  • Am thinner.
  • Can actually do sports.
  • Can travel to places that I want to with my family. Then re-visit them with whole bunch of my closest friends.
  • Have an extremely long holidays without homework.
  • Can rant about pretty much every single rant-able things with my friends.
  • Can meet some of my old friends again.
  • Can find a wide, open, quite place, and scream at the top of my lungs, just for the sake of it.
  • Can play in the rain without getting sick.
  • Everyone around me is happy and is in good health :)
  • Am a genius without having to study at all.
  • Am assured that me, and my family, and my friends, and my teachers, and basically everyone I know exist, have a secured place in heaven :)
  • Can make a day longer than 24 hours.
  • Have a genie with unlimited wish? I don't know
  • Et cetera. Because I'm running out of ideas


If I Have A Billion Rupiah, I will.........

  • Go with my family to do Hajj :D
  • Give some to people in need.
  • Save some, for future needs.
  • Buy a house with big bedrooms and wooden tiles. I like wooden tiles.
  • Buy some newest gadgets.
  • Probably ended up buying a lot of clothes.
  • Go to Paris, or England, or Germany, or US, or New Zealand, or Australia, or Hongkong, or Korea, or Japan... if there are no those nuclear thingy, 
  • Buy a lot of books.
  • Buy a lot of games that need cash in appworld or google play or something, lol.
  • Buy gaming consoles that I missed. Like 3DS, or Wii, or WiiU, or PS3, or Xbox. And probably a PS4 too, and buy a whole bunch of games with them. Don't judge. A girl can play Playstation too, thank you.
  • Buy a nice car.
  • Buy another violin. My current one is sadly full of scars :(
  • Buy a new television, the one in my room sucks pretty badly.
  • Shop till I drop?
  • I will..... stop. Because I am sure I exceed one billion rupiah for the things in the list above.

This marks the end of this post!

Why, don't I look like an ultimate materialistic girl here? I'm not this chronic in real life though. These are just my "If"s aren't they?

Anyway. thank you for reading!



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